Michael Hunziker

Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public, solicitor (England), LL.M. (London School of Economics), MBA (Digital Transformation)

Michael Hunziker has been working as a lawyer and notary public for over 25 years. He possesses extensive experience in his fields of expertise, and in particular also in the area of litigation. He has his many years of leadership experience gained working for enterprises in the board of directors and sports associations. Michael Hunziker studied European law and international litigation in London (LL.M.) and been admitted to practice as solicitor in England for over 20 years (Adress London Office: Floor 22.05, 10 Park Drive, London E14 9JX).


2021 Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Digital Transformation (Institute of Communication & Leadership Lucerne)
2021 CAS postgraduate course Blockchain (University of Lucerne)
2020 CAS postgraduate course eHealth (Institute of Communication & Leadership Lucerne)
2020 CAS postgraduate course Data Protection Officer / DPO-HSG (University of St. Gallen)
2019 CAS postgraduate course Digital Transformation (Institute of Communication & Leadership Lucerne)
2012 CAS postgraduate course in litigation (University of St. Gallen)
2003 Founding partner of Schärer Rechtsanwälte
2000 Postgraduate course in intellectual property, technology and information law (University of Zürich)
1997 Admitted to practice as a solicitor in England and Wales
1997 University of Zürich (Dr. iur.)
1996 Partner at law and notary firms in Aarau
1995 Master of Laws/LL.M. (London School of Economics and Political Science/LSE)
1994 Notary public licence (Canton Aargau)
1992 Admitted to the bar
1991 University of Zürich (lic. iur.)


German, English, French


Bar registration at all Swiss courts


Company law and M&A, Intellectual property and competition law, Notary services, Inheritance law


Virtuelle Generalversammlungen, Tokenisierung von Aktien und Aktienübertragungen via Blockchain: Chancen und Risiken aus KMU Sicht (Masterarbeit MBA Digitale Transformation 2021)

Blockchain-Projekte in KMU-Ökosystemen: Status quo und mögliche Entwicklungen (Transferarbeit CAS Blockchain 2021)

Das Veräusserungsverbot und das Kaufsrecht der Miterben im bäuerlichen Erbrecht, Diss. Zürich 1996