Employment law
Our specialists for employment law advise private individuals and companies, communities and other public bodies in all aspects of employer-employee relationships. We support our clients in matters of private employment law and public personnel law and represent them in arbitration proceedings as well as court and administrative proceedings.
Our services also include the preparation of employment contracts, personnel regulations, termination agreements and work references. In extrajudicial proceedings and in contract negotiations as well as in any matters of employment and personnel law, we endeavour to offer individual solutions by achieving consensus.
Our specialists will be pleased to advise you.
Lea Deubelbeiss
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Tanja Schmutz
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Dayana Berényi Kamm
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Marcel Lanz
Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. (King's)
Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. (King's)
Cécile Schmidlin
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Christian Bär
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Construction and Real Estate Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Construction and Real Estate Law
Christoph Bundi
Partner / MLaw, Attorney at Law and notary public
Partner / MLaw, Attorney at Law and notary public
Sarah Stirnemann
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Public personnel law
Personnel regulations
Employment contract
Matan Weinberg
MLaw, lic. phil., Attorney at Law
MLaw, lic. phil., Attorney at Law
Sarah Stirnemann
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Marcel Lanz
Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. (King's)
Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. (King's)
Dayana Berényi Kamm
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Cécile Schmidlin
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Lea Deubelbeiss
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Christian Bär
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Construction and Real Estate Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Construction and Real Estate Law
Tanja Schmutz
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Termination without notice
Tanja Schmutz
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Lea Deubelbeiss
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Sarah Stirnemann
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Marcel Lanz
Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. (King's)
Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. (King's)
Christian Bär
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Construction and Real Estate Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Construction and Real Estate Law
Dayana Berényi Kamm
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Cécile Schmidlin
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Unfair dismissal
Dayana Berényi Kamm
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Lea Deubelbeiss
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Marcel Lanz
Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. (King's)
Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. (King's)
Tanja Schmutz
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Cécile Schmidlin
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Continuation of wage payment in case of sick leave
Marcel Lanz
Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. (King's)
Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. (King's)
Cécile Schmidlin
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Dayana Berényi Kamm
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Sarah Stirnemann
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Tanja Schmutz
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Christian Bär
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Construction and Real Estate Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Construction and Real Estate Law
Lea Deubelbeiss
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Equality act
Christian Bär
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Construction and Real Estate Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law, LL.M. / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Construction and Real Estate Law
Cécile Schmidlin
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Dayana Berényi Kamm
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law