Family and inheritance law
We advise and represent you in all matters concerning separation, divorce or dissolution of cohabitation relating to the regulation of alimonies and custody of the children, the calculation and assertion of alimony-related claims of any kind as well as any matrimonial-regime-related claims at the time of the benefits adjustment. Depending on your requirements, we will provide consultation to you specifically or, in the event of a consensual dissolution of your partnership, to you and your former partner. We have many years of experience and represent your interests in court proceedings, whether there is a dispute or not. Apart from that, we provide second opinions regarding ongoing proceedings.
In the field of inheritance law, we show you different ways of regulating the inheritance and draw up your last will, prenuptial and testamentary contracts and cohabitation contracts depending on your individual requirements. We also have many years of experience in the execution of wills and estate planning. We also defend your interests in the event of an inheritance dispute, be it in the course of court proceedings or extrajudicially.
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public
Partner / MLaw, Attorney at Law and Certified Tax Expert
Administrator Notary services and distribution of estate
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public / Certified specialist (SBA - Swiss Bar Association) Family Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / lic. iur., notary public
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / Dr. iur., Rechtsanwalt
Partner / PD Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Family law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public / Certified specialist (SBA - Swiss Bar Association) Family Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Inheritance law
Partner / MLaw, Attorney at Law and notary public
Partner / Dr. iur., Rechtsanwalt
MLaw, lic. phil., Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public / Certified specialist (SBA - Swiss Bar Association) Family Law
Partner / lic. iur., notary public
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public, LL.M. and solicitor (England), MBA
Partner / MLaw, Attorney at Law and Certified Tax Expert
Administrator Notary services and distribution of estate
Partner / PD Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public / Certified specialist (SBA - Swiss Bar Association) Family Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public / Certified specialist (SBA - Swiss Bar Association) Family Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public / Certified specialist (SBA - Swiss Bar Association) Family Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public / Certified specialist (SBA - Swiss Bar Association) Family Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Benefits adjustment
Matrimonial regime disputes
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public / Certified specialist (SBA - Swiss Bar Association) Family Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / Dr. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public, LL.M. and solicitor (England), MBA
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law / certified specialist (SBA – Swiss Bar Association) Employment Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law
Partner / lic. iur., Attorney at Law and notary public / Certified specialist (SBA - Swiss Bar Association) Family Law
MLaw, Attorney at Law